We engage with individuals and like-minded organisations who share the same passion and commitment as we do. Together we create awareness, develop partnerships and advocate for effective solutions to end poverty.
We are commited to changing the mindsets of people and providing opportunities to flourish through meaningful and creative educational programs. Education is at the center of the fight against poverty.
We provide opportunities for people to invest in local, empowering and sustainable initiatives that address the root causes of poverty. At the forefront of these projects are local leaders and partner organisations.
What Drives Us
At Initiate Australia we focus on addressing the root causes of poverty by utilising a comprehensive approach through advocacy, education and investing in local people and initiatives.
Our understanding of poverty is multidimensional. It is not simply a lack of money or material possessions. It involves social, economic, political, personal, cultural and spiritual factors which impact the lives of the most vulnerable around the world. For this reason we partner with local people who understand these factors, collaborate with like minded organisations and invest in creative initiatives.

We believe local leadership is the key to driving change in communities.
Our projects are local led, owned and operated.

We partner with people based on their needs, not on what we want.
Our projects create opportunities for people to restore dignity, develop and flourish.

We work towards ensuring that the outcomes and impact of initiatives is ongoing.
Our projects are designed to break cycles of dependence.
Get In Touch

Purpose Studio
Level 3/256 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Initiate Australia acknowledges that we are situated on Noongar land, and that Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practice their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.